
Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

The 12 zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  • Publish date: Sunday، 09 March 2025 Last update: Monday، 17 March 2025
Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

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Your horoscope for the week of March 9 to 15, 2025, is here, and we're almost out of the woods.

Read: Your Daily Chinese Horoscope

It’s officially eclipse season as Friday’s full moon fades out to a deep red blood moon. To catch it, you’ll have to stay up late—it peaks at 2:55 a.m. Eastern, 11:55 p.m. Pacific. This hard reset jolts the axis of order and creative chaos, so find your personal balance point in the lead-up. Rather than get caught up in too much detail or perfection, let go and let god/dess by taking an attitude of gratitude. Hashtag: #NotAPlatitude. This simple circuit break shifts your energy and emotions through reframing your perspective and is a great start to manifesting from positivity. Finally, on Saturday, comms planet Mercury about-faces into a retrograde in fiery Aries. So if you don’t mean it, don’t say it! If you already said it, this is your time to make amends and cough up that apology. Take it as a great time to review your own communications for how clearly, directly, and confidently you deliver your message—and also how you receive others’ points of view without getting hella defensive or taking it personally if it doesn’t mirror yours.

Find your weekly horoscope for your zodiac sign below. We recommend reading the horoscopes for your rising sign.

Aries Weekly Horoscope

Momentum builds as the month closes, like a river flowing faster toward the sea. Focus on completing projects with vigour. Professional gains are within reach, and personal developments bring satisfaction. Advice: Push forward with energy

Read more at: https://www.deccanherald.com/specials/weekly-horoscope-january-26-to-february-1-check-horoscope-for-all-sun-signs-3373080#1

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

This week’s headline is most definitely the full moon eclipse because it’s a spectacular blood moon. Eclipses tend to be final doors closing as well as opportunities opening. So walk through that door and slam it on the way, Aries! In your sphere of work, wellness, and the regular routines that underpin them, you’ll need to balance with rest, mystic, or creative time out. Mercury joins Venus (beauty, values, and relating) by turning retrograde in your sign on Friday. So there’s a double emphasis on reflection, tracing your steps, and going over old ground in your communication as well as your social aspect. That could mean the way you express yourself, receive information, or engage in commerce. It’s a big deal for your sign in particular, as it directly impacts you, since you host this double retrograde. Take any changes on the nose; go with the review and subsequent course correction that may evolve over the next few weeks. Note what comes up during this period for a tweak to your rebrand or direction.

Taurus Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

It’s eclipse season as la luna blinks out into a deep shade of red, activating your sphere of leisure, children, and creative self-expression. If your idea of a good time is healthy food and perfection procrastination, this is your week. Something is ready to forgive and be gone, so let it go and get on with your life. Unplug your creative flow by taking action and getting the ball rolling. You can only be perfect with practice, so put paint to canvas, master gut-promoting home fermentation techniques, or give yourself a hall pass for some me time. Mercury shifting into a retrograde in your sphere of sleep and dreams further reflects R&R as a theme. Keep a dream journal by your bed and note epiphanies over the next few weeks. What inner voice hacks might be beneficial for you to investigate, learn, or set up to create the bridge between that symbolic mind and your conscious mind? Overall, be direct and clear while not too rash or brash.

Gemini Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

It’s time for a full moon, so this Friday, expect a rather dramatic version. It’s a blood moon due to a full eclipse, with an equally outrageous power move if you choose to accept the assignment. This one resets in your domestic sphere of home and foundation. In the sign of Virgo, it poses a challenge to your sign. Shape up and get it together. What may be time to let go of, Gemini? And what door is right there, ready for you to open if you choose to accept the next step in your brilliant life?, Tidy, organize, and tend to details to get things rolling. The detailed, boring edge may be too tedious for your tastes, but it’s important you get things in order. Your ruling planet, Mercury, swings back into its first retrograde for the year on Saturday. In your social sphere, it could look like refining or resetting the way you engage and express yourself or your connections to extended circles. Note what you’ll be course-correcting over the next few weeks.

Cancer Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

Some may call you moody, but we know you’re feeling in real-time. Feelings do ebb and flow like the changing tides and the luna magnet they’re responding to. So, with a responsive EQ, experience this week’s feels from the full moon and lunar eclipse, and seek to find some useful takeaways. Feelings are intel, and they flow toward your truth, arriving in their own way, in their own time. What do your feelings say as the moon moves into a full blood moon eclipse? Expect a little intensity—it’s an eclipse, after all. Both an ending and a beginning in one. What is revealed in the half-light as that big, bright cosmic disk goes into dimly lit demure mode? In your sphere of local connections, you could be drawing up your list of who’s been naughty or nice over the past six months to a year. Edit and sort according to your preference. Mercury retrograde in your career and public sector demands a recount, redraw, or at least a review in readiness for course correction. Again, note what comes up over the next three weeks.

Leo Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

The drama is real as a full blood moon eclipse blinks out in your sphere of values and finance. The way you earn and spend, and the very skills you actually get paid for (rather than your interview persona), are the point here. Perhaps it’s time to dig down into your real resources and pull out a hat trick. You’re a creative talent and dynamo—how do you want this reset to go? What dream do you need to let go of, and which one do you need to take steps toward on a path that leads to your goal? Mercury, the planet of comms, swings around into a retrograde on Saturday as it activates your sphere of wider horizons and philosophy. If travel, publishing, or generally picking up on exotic faces and places is your ideal, get to finding a foothold. Ideas from overseas are helpful to spark or navigate a personal flowering. Just be sure to maintain an assertive yet considerate approach, and you’ll be the star of the hour!

Virgo Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

Virgo, this isn’t a drill—a full moon eclipse lands in your sign this Friday, officially a blood moon. Eclipses can be a bit jolting, signaling decisive endings and fresh starts, so take note of what launches or concludes this week. Since La Luna represents feelings, pay close attention to yours. They hold invaluable insights, even if they don’t always make logical sense. Balance your need for precision, autonomy, and order with a flow state in your relationships. You may prefer creative chaos in some areas of life while enforcing strict boundaries in others, and that’s okay. If you find yourself getting overly persnickety, try writing down 10 things you’re grateful for—it could unlock unexpected opportunities through a positive reframe. This isn’t about being “wrong” but about letting go and shifting focus.

Libra Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

This week builds up to a lunar peak on Friday, but it’s not the date-night kind. A deep blood-red eclipse activates your sphere of sleep, dreams, and connection to the collective unconscious. This is your moment to reestablish a solid sleep routine or a more consistent spiritual practice. Like a king tide that flows past the sand and onto the road, this eclipse might feel a bit overwhelming. Find ways to ground yourself—through rituals, creative outlets, or even everyday routines. Channel the muse into your work for some cosmic and personal gold stars. It’s time to get serious about what you’re ready to refine and bring “to market,” while also prioritizing self-care. The very next day, Mercury retrogrades in your opposite sign, meaning communication could revisit old ground. Whether it’s an old topic or a person from your past, reflection is key. This isn’t a time for final decisions—just assessment and realignment.

Scorpio Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

Friday’s full moon eclipse activates your social sector, signaling a hard reset in group dynamics. Extended social connections and friendships are getting the blood moon treatment—so explore emotions that surface, process them, and hit refresh. This eclipse highlights the value of practical service and meaningful engagement. Over the past year, who has truly shown up for you, and who have you shown up for? You might be ready to enter a new social scene or align with a fresh special interest group. With community-focused groups popping up everywhere—from women-only running clubs to business networking collectives—now’s a great time to get involved. Or if nothing fits, why not start your own gathering around a passion or pursuit? Virgo, the sign hosting this eclipse, is all about practicality, so consider ways to turn your interests into something sustainable. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde in your work and wellness sector suggests reviewing and refining your self-expression. This is the perfect time for a bold new approach to how you communicate and present yourself.

Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

Ready for a career challenge? Or perhaps a post-a-day content challenge? Your professional and public image sector is hosting Friday’s full moon eclipse, making this a pivotal moment. Since this eclipse sits at a tense angle to your sign, it’s demanding that you focus on details and refine your approach. Humble service and adaptability are key here. Draw on your emotional and creative foundations—maybe even a family legacy, whether real or intuitively felt. Your domestic life provides the base upon which your public image and career rest, so this is a balancing act. Since we don’t know what we don’t know, pay attention to any resistance—it could be a clue to something deeper. Mercury retrogrades in your sphere of creative self-expression, romance, and leisure. What idea, project, or perspective could use a refresh or reframe?

Capricorn Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

The big picture is under review, possibly in exacting detail, as Friday’s full moon eclipse lands in your sphere of expansion. You may know your own mind or daily outlook—but how do you feel about the bigger questions of life? This eclipse asks you to reassess your personal philosophy, beliefs, and long-term vision. Are your international travel dreams, educational pursuits, or mission statements still aligned with your true values? A cosmic reset is in order. Regular updates aren’t just for your devices—they’re essential for personal growth. Shedding outdated beliefs, inherited assumptions, or ingrained patterns is part of evolution. Keep what serves you, discard what doesn’t, and develop the rest! Mercury retrogrades from Saturday, shaking things up on the home front. Expect shifts in domestic plans, but see them as opportunities to review and course-correct.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

A major reset is perfectly timed as the full moon eclipse activates your sphere of shared resources. This could mean benefits connected to a larger company, a joint venture, or even an intimate partnership. If you’re switching teams, companies, or careers, this eclipse is a strong indicator of change. Service and attention to detail are in focus, so highlight your ability to organize and get things done. If a situation isn’t working and you’ve tried to negotiate, it may be time to cut ties. The same goes for relationships—this area of your chart also covers deep emotional bonds. Pay attention to what surfaces this week, and embrace a fresh approach. Meanwhile, Mercury retrogrades in your sphere of local connections and networking. How do you engage with your immediate environment? Are you communicating directly and concisely? If you’re not, someone else will—and you might even appreciate their passionate input! Open up the conversation and see where it leads.

Pisces Weekly Horoscope

Your Weekly Horoscope: March 9-15, 2025

As La Luna snaps out in a reasonably rare blood moon eclipse on Friday, it activates your relationship sector. Since it’s in your opposite sign, it may coincide with someone else snapping the lights off and then back on. This represents order and a focus on the practical—if not mundane—side of life, so take care of business in your relationship sector. That could mean a significant partnership from bae, bestie, to business could do with some tidying up, practical one-on-one time, or specificity around the rules of engagement. What might it be time to drop, in terms of a habitual groove you’ve worn into the relationship, or is there an exciting new development you’re ready to embark on? You’ll gain more clarity this week, so note the intel. Mercury back in retrograde on Friday suggests a solid review of your prices, values, the way you earn money, and what you earn it for. Entrepreneurial, independent, fresh, and direct win the day. Be the pioneer and blaze trails with confidence.

This article was previously published on UAE Moments. To see the original article, click here

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