
Your Daily Horoscope: Monday, 18 December 2023

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

  • Publish date: Monday، 18 December 2023
Your Daily Horoscope: Monday, 18 December 2023

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

Aries Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023)  

You`re finished with people making demands. Parents and teachers did it when you were little. Bosses and lawmakers replaced them in your adult life. For one day, you plan to forget about the expectations of others. You`re just a number or symbol to them, but you know who you are. Aries pleases Aries, and no one else. If these words have a familiar ring, maybe it`s because you remind yourself of other famously independent people. Be sure you can recall the whole story. Some of these great rebels and refuseniks went on to have difficult lives. At least you can avoid expensive mistakes.

Taurus Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023)  

Todays , You promised yourself that you`d be good about overspending and compulsive collecting, but materialism crept up on you again. When it comes to inanimate objects, remember that you`re the owner and not the owned. The relationship may be somewhat different with pets, but things get messy when you apply this equation to people. The pecking order is determined by who expresses the greatest need. Don`t let someone else`s emotional weather front rain on your picnic. Before buying into his or her crisis, review all pertinent information. Some of this may not be your business, and none of it is your fault.

Gemini Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023 

(Monday, 18 December 2023) 

Yesterday you got up early and stayed out late. Today you`re feeling the effects. The good news is that everything gets better as the caffeine or endorphins hit your system. Don`t ask too much of yourself. You deserve praise and many rewards for simple accomplishments. There might be some explaining to do if others see the low hurdles you`re setting. Tone down the success and power imagery when you`re speaking to them. They won`t recognize the pampering and irony in this game, and then there will be rumors that you`re losing your grip. You can prove them wrong as early as tomorrow.

Cancer Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023) 

Everyone has dreams, but some people have a pretty good reality, too. Open your eyes and see why envy is futile. You stop yearning for something once you realize why it`s impossible. There may be issues about time, money, space or the unbreakable laws of physics. For instance, who can really be in two places at once or have eyes in the back of his or her head? When you look at your current setup, you know that it`s not so bad after all. You made some good decisions along the way, and the rest just fell into place.

Leo Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023)  

You`re on your feet and running into the new month. The air around you feels as clear and light, just like right after a rainstorm, no matter what the actual atmospheric conditions. You have a strong will and the best of intentions. Some people lose their edge over time, but nothing has blunted your bold, direct style. The concept of `enough` is for others. You don`t know the meaning of `too much.` When you speak, your public is ready to listen to you now. And after a buildup like this, what you say just has to be good.

Virgo Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023)  

Tension is a physical principle that keeps certain machines running beautifully. However, you have to remind yourself that you`re not a machine, and that sustained tension isn`t your friend. Remember this the next time you`re pushing yourself at the gym. Meanwhile, despite your need to relax, a sense of duty drives you mercilessly. Stay away from individuals who are in a foul mood, because your energy and dedication will probably make them crankier. Just because you understand someone, he or she may not be any easier to handle. Save your people skills for someone who can actually appreciate them.

Libra Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023)   

Tension is a physical principle that keeps certain machines running beautifully. However, you have to remind yourself that you`re not a machine, and that sustained tension isn`t your friend. Remember this the next time you`re pushing yourself at the gym. Meanwhile, despite your need to relax, a sense of duty drives you mercilessly. Stay away from individuals who are in a foul mood, because your energy and dedication will probably make them crankier. Just because you understand someone, he or she may not be any easier to handle. Save your people skills for someone who can actually appreciate them.

Scorpio Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023)  

Whatever you do, don`t reveal an irritating childhood nickname or tell anyone where you`re really ticklish. Someone with a wicked sense of humor will immediately find ways to push your buttons. If you`re not in the mood for this, it could affect your whole day. Maybe there`s something else going on with you. Whatever it is, climb off this emotional roller coaster before you end up feeling off balance. Try taking a step back and laughing at the whole situation.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023)  

Ready or not, change happens. Be a good sport and roll with it. Drop your time-honored traditions. Let current events dictate your plans. You could be in the market for something completely new. You`d be the first in town to own one of these things. Others are openly relieved to see you breaking with the past. They kept telling you that your accumulated load was dragging you down, but until now you refused to listen. Moving off your center puts you in more of an outsider`s position. The difference is refreshing, especially when you consider how you can make it work for you.

Capricorn Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023) 

You`ll take one of everything on the menu. If you`re checking out new software, this behavior makes sense. However, if you`re filling an online shopping cart or dining in a restaurant, people start worrying about you. You can`t help it. You love life and all the experiences that it`s begging you to sample. By rolling the dice again or reinterpreting something familiar, you give yourself more freedom to move. This isn`t your typical behavior. You can`t blame acquaintances for being more than a little bewildered. Did the fairies steal you and replace you with a strange duplicate? It`s an interesting hypothesis.

Aquarius Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023)  

The old battle lines are erased. You experience a shift in values, whether subtle or major. When you turn around to face what you once hoped to escape, it doesn`t feel like surrender any more. If anything, it feels like a necessary and long overdue adjustment. You were meant to be here now doing this. Welcome to a new club. Maybe you`re ready to carry a card and pay dues, or maybe standing up and testifying is the only membership requirement. Everyone notices the difference when you put your heart behind your words and deeds again.

Pisces Horoscope for Monday, 18 December 2023  

(Monday, 18 December 2023)

You waited patiently, distracting yourself with amusing or necessary tasks. You tapped your foot, paced in circles and watched the clock. Now you can safely say that you waited in vain. That so-called sure thing never quite happened. Maybe a big investment just went down the drain, but you can`t really be angry. Relief comes as a welcome surprise. This is your day of liberation. For the first time in a while, you`re really and truly free. A dizzying range of opportunities opens up before you. Your only regret is that you didn`t come here sooner. Next time you`ll know.

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A Guide to All 12 Astrological Signs

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here

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