
Rising Heat is Boiling Qatar: Ways to Survive This Scorching Weather

  • Vansh MalhotrabronzeAuthor: Vansh Malhotra Publish date: Tuesday، 01 August 2023
Rising Heat is Boiling Qatar: Ways to Survive This Scorching Weather

As the warmest months of July and August prevail in Qatar, it becomes a war against the scorching weather where the sunlight keeps burning everything in its contact. Stepping out of the house becomes arduous due to the intense heat of the atmosphere, which often leads to irritation, and the mind easily gets frustrated. However, keeping ourselves locked in our houses all the time under the supervision of air conditioners is impossible as we have work and responsibilities to fulfill. We must go out into the world to live a life, but the question arises of how we can cope with the harsh summers dictating our destiny. Here are some improvised strategies to avoid feeling lost in a cruel environment.

1) A Quick Cold Shower Does the Job 

Rising Heat is Boiling Qatar: Ways to Survive This Scorching Weather

Rather than standing beneath a cold shower for hours and expecting it to wash away all the heat, a quick 2-3 minutes cold bath will do the job as it is enough to energize the body and wipe out all the stress one faces in the summer. Standing in a cold shower for long wastes your precious time and water resources, and it also makes you more vulnerable to heat as you get exposed to conditioning your body with cold water the longer you remain in it. Thus, the body would struggle to cope with the battling heat once it steps out of being in a cold shower for long periods. 

2) Cover Your Skin

Rising Heat is Boiling Qatar: Ways to Survive This Scorching Weather

Most people make an egregious mistake by simply wearing sleeveless t-shirts and shorts while traveling out in the immense heat, thinking that it will help them to stay calm. However, the chances of getting prone to sunburns increase if you go out in this attire. It is advisable to wear long sleeve T-shirts, light pants, and a light sun hat covering your head as it is essential that you provide minimum exposure to the sun. 

3) Water Is The Best Antidote 

Rising Heat is Boiling Qatar: Ways to Survive This Scorching Weather

Drinking water is the best antidote while moving in the summer season. However, most people do not prefer drinking water and instead crave cold drinks, slushies and ice popsicles, expecting that to quench their thirst. Water is essential and the only drink that will provide you energy to bear the hot weather. Other beverages will make you feel more lazy and sensitive. 

4) Do Not Walk Barefoot On The Beach 

Rising Heat is Boiling Qatar: Ways to Survive This Scorching Weather

Another mistake people in Qatar usually make is walking barefoot on the beach, especially in the evenings, thinking the sand will help absorb their sweat. However, that is hardly the case as walking barefoot would trigger more uneasiness in you, and you would start feeling depressed even if the sun is setting as the sand is already accumulated from the moisture and humidity. Thus, always wear light sandals or slippers while walking on the beach in the hot weather. 

5) Do Not Quit Exercising 

Rising Heat is Boiling Qatar: Ways to Survive This Scorching Weather

Many do not exercise in the summer and avoid going to the gym or playing sports. They think that exercising would make them more furious with their surroundings. However, exercising is necessary even if the weather is hot as it will make you sweat and feel more thirsty. As a result, you would stay hydrated regularly, which helps battle extreme weather. Simply resting on the bed would not help encounter the summers successfully. 


Hot temperatures can be testing for the Gulf countries, and many may need clarification about tackling this adversity. Nevertheless, taking the necessary precautions and utilizing your brain to make decisions would always be supportive rather than obeying your sensitive heart and luring yourself towards laziness.

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    Author Vansh Malhotra

    My name is Vansh Malhotra and I am a passionate creative writer who adores writing on various topics as writing is my exercise for the mind. I write poems, short fiction stories, personal stories, and articles on numerous themes ranging from festivals, travel blogs, Laughing Yoga, food, lifestyle, fashion, humor, and anything that arouses my curious mind

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