
Qatar Cracks Down on Unauthorized Accident Photography

Unauthorized Accident Photography in Qatar Can Lead to Jail Time and Fines

  • Publish date: Monday، 26 August 2024
Qatar Cracks Down on Unauthorized Accident Photography

Qatar’s General Directorate of Traffic has issued a stern reminder that photographing road accidents without authorization is illegal and could result in serious legal consequences.

Captain Khalid Abdullah Al Kuwari, a Traffic Investigation Officer, emphasized on Qatar TV that individuals caught taking unauthorized photos of accidents may face imprisonment and fines.

According to Article 333 of the Qatari Penal Code, invading another person’s privacy without consent—such as photographing an accident scene—can lead to up to two years in prison and fines of up to QAR 10,000. The law permits only those directly involved in an accident to document it using the Metrash 2 app for official records.

Captain Al Kuwari also warned that even well-intentioned photography aimed at raising awareness could result in legal accountability, particularly if it harms victims. He urged the public to leave awareness efforts to specialized organizations, such as the Public Relations Department of the Ministry of Interior and the Traffic Awareness and Safety Department.

For those reporting traffic violations, Al Kuwari clarified that it’s sufficient to capture the vehicle's license plate and any visible damage, without photographing people involved. Traffic investigators will handle the rest.

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