
Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

  • Publish date: Friday، 03 March 2023 Last update: Monday، 03 March 2025
Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

Here are some of the notable people celebrating birthdays today, including Camila Cabello, Duncan Phillips, Herschel Walker, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Jessica Biel and Miranda Richardson.

Pop singer Camila Cabello is 25.

Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

Contemporary Christian musician Duncan Phillips (Newsboys) is 58. 

Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

Movie producer-director George Miller is 77.

Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

Former NFL player and College Football Hall of Famer Herschel Walker is 60.

Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

Radio personality Ira Glass is 64. 

Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

Olympic track and field gold medalist Jackie Joyner-Kersee is 60. 

Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

Gospel singer Jason Crabb is 45.

Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

Actor Jessica Biel is 40. 

Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

Musician Brett Hite (Frenship) is 37. 

Celebrities Born Today - March 3 - Guess Camila Cabello age?

This article was previously published on UAE Moments. To see the original article, click here

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