Your Daily Tarot Card Reading for February 14th, 2024

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 13 February 2024

Unlock the mysteries of the universe and gain profound insights into your life's journey with this daily tarot card reading.

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2.14.24 Two of Cups: The Two in this suit signifies a union of souls. This card traditionally describes a romantic relationship, but also includes the idea that all good friendships and partnerships are based on a natural affinity and a deep mutual understanding. As a personal reflection, it can also signify that your mind and your soul are discovering each other, maybe for the first time.

This card also symbolizes a karmic tie, often portrayed by a wreath or figure-eight ribbon twining around the two cups. Occasionally you see a symbol referring to the union of alchemical opposites (as in sacred sex), pictured as a long-necked flask twined with serpents, its mouth spouting flames, sometimes with wings. This image is from Alchemy, indicating the refining and mutually completing effect of a true and lasting love.

Read More: Discover Your Tarot Card Based on Your Zodiac Sign!

Read More: Top 10 Tarot Decks for Inspired Readings

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This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here