Read Your Daily Horoscope: Sunday, 20 November 2022

  • Author: Find Your Fate Publish date: Sunday، 20 November 2022

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Aries Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

If you could just make up your mind to be dutiful for a couple of days, then you would get through a good many chores. By the end of it you would feel you`ve achieved a good deal. But truthfully you would have to push yourself quite hard. You are not in the mood to start some vast project or run up mountains. More of a mind to float along the river rather more or lie on your water bed. You will be very sensitive to the undercurrents so you need to avoid jangled jarring companions.

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Taurus Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

This is not the time to be frivolous or indulgent. Try a little serious planning. Be realistic about what you have achieved, and you will see what is possible in the days ahead. Though to be honest, it isn`t really a day for push-push-pushing at practical chores. Find time for quiet reflection or be as helpful as you can to others. Just don`t expect miracles of yourself. Your hunches will be good, your intuitions strong so trust them.

Gemini Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

In your working situation, you will be self-disciplined, with an eye to the future. You can see what your goals ought to be, and will also see clearly how, by putting one foot in front of the other, you can get to where you want to be. And you will also want to be closer to those who matter. Be idealistic, and sympathetic, as long as you can stick to your ideals in life. Everything should fit together very soon.

Cancer Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

You`re not going to slither round the edges of things or expect someone else to do all the hard chores. But maybe it`s also important to go off by yourself to meditate or reflect. Get a clearer idea of what everything is doing in your life and where you want it to go from now on. Emotionally, financially and in your career. If you can channel your energy more in spiritual directions, you`ll find it brings you peace, quiet and harmony.

Leo Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

If you knuckle down to small chores and be firm with yourself, then you`ll find at the end of it all that you are remarkably pleased that you did. But do watch. If you go charging into very strenuous tasks, you may end up feeling a little bit discouraged and undermined. Nothing practical will work out quite as you planned. Or your energy will not see you out of the end of it. You have wonderful dreams, but you also need to have your feet on the ground.

Virgo Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

You will get a lot of satisfaction out of clearing boring tasks out of the way. Feeling reasonable and responsible, you will be conscientious and kind. Though in one tricky situation, maybe you are not standing up for yourself strenuously enough. There are not very self-assertive influences around. So if you`re normally a bit timid, they will tend to push you into a corner. You will escape into hard work, which can be great in itself but sorting out the difficulty will also lift your spirits.

Libra Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

Once you get down to the bottom line and you accept the way life is, then you can begin to work with it and make it happen for yourself. Find peace in acceptance and everything becomes easier, since you are not pushing against resentment. Today there will be sensitive influences around which will make you aware of what the unspoken text in one situation. Understand but don`t feel obliged to act. If you are too self-sacrificing, you could turn yourself into a bit of a doormat.

Scorpio Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

Maybe everyone around will tend to be head-in-the-clouds including you today. But try to resist the temptation to go with the flow. Get cracking with what has been filed in the needs to be done sometime box. It might as well be now. Then you will be happier to give yourself permission to play truant. If you clear problems out of the way before they have had a chance to grow, it all becomes much easier.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

You will be working in a way that is going to gain the approval of serious people. Not racing around in a rackety fashion, or taking risks or being too boisterous. You`re being, if anything, a little bit understated. Though truthfully you won`t have the stamina or motivation to go leaping into strenuous projects. Be sensible and down-to-earth about what is possible and what is not. Put limits on your aims.

Capricorn Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

Don`t be discouraged if you have odd worries about significant situations in your life, because your imagination is probably running away with itself. Most likely nothing you are concerned about will happen. Just don`t go pushing yourself ahead when you feel like hanging back. Trust your instincts. Attend to small matters and leave the major decisions to another day. Sometimes it`s as well to stay in a state of limbo until you are absolutely clear.

Aquarius Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

Maybe your energy level is not very high, so basically you can`t be bothered to push too hard. All you really want to do is put your feet up in a chair and daydream your way through the day. If you can manage it without upsetting your schedule, well, why not? But really you know you need to get a few loose ends around the budget tidied up. Your finances need to be better organized and in ship shape order before long.

Pisces Horoscope for Sunday, November 20, 2022

(Sunday, 20 November 2022)

Influential people will respect the way you`re handling yourself. You`re not going wildly into things that you haven`t really thought through. Clearly you have solid judgment. Even away from work, whoever you come into contact with today is going to find that they feel better by the end of it. With Neptune as a ruler, you have a real healing quality. When you are at peace with yourself, you can do the same for others.