Qatar to Give Scholarships to 500 Expats from Disadvantaged Families

  • Publish date: Friday، 31 March 2023

The Qatar Scholarship Programme has provided more than 160 scholarships since it began in 2018.

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Qatar's Education Above All Foundation (EAA) will provide scholarships to 500 expatriate youth from disadvantaged families residing in the country for the year 2025-2026. 

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These expats will be recipients of the EAA's Qatar Scholarship Programme and will get the opportunity to complete their degrees at nine local institutions. 

The announcement was made at an iftar gathering where the Programme's graduates and new recipients were honoured. 

Yemen’s Minister of Education, Tariq Al Akbari was in attendance at the ceremony and said "Qatar is a country of charity. Yemeni students are part of the initiative. And we are thankful to Qatar for hosting Yemenis here."

At the ceremony, 25 students were honoured for their outstanding academic performance in the academic year 2022-2023, 18 graduates were honoured, and 39 new scholarship recipients were welcomed. 

The Qatar Scholarship Programme provides access to higher education for youth aged between 17 to 25 and who have spent most of their life in Qatar. 

Recipients of the scholarship are supported through their studies so that they can finish their education at local universities such as Qatar University and Al Rayyan International University College.

The Programme has formed new collaborations in 2023 with Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Oryx University in collaboration with Liverpool, Lusail University, Global Studies Institute, and other institutions at the Qatar Foundation (QF). 

EAA also collaborates with Silatech to help graduates secure jobs. 

Image source: Qatar University website