A Comprehensive Tarot Card Meanings List - All 78 Cards

  • Publish date: Monday، 22 January 2024
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Delving into the realm of tarot cards opens a door to a fascinating journey of self-discovery, guidance, and insight. With a deck consisting of 78 cards, each holding a unique energy and symbolism, understanding the tarot card meanings is like deciphering a language of the soul. Whether you're a seasoned tarot enthusiast or a novice seeking wisdom, exploring the comprehensive tarot card meanings list can be an illuminating experience.

Navigating the Tarot Deck

The tarot deck is divided into two main groups: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana, comprising 22 cards, represents significant life events and spiritual lessons. The journey begins with The Fool, symbolizing innocence and spontaneity, and unfolds through iconic cards like The Lovers, The Empress, and The Hierophant. Each card holds a profound message, offering insights into life's complexities.

The Minor Arcana, consisting of 56 cards, delves into the day-to-day aspects of existence. Broken down into four suits—Wands, Cups, Swords, and Pentacles—these cards cover the emotional, mental, and material realms. From the fiery energy of the Wands to the grounded nature of Pentacles, each suit brings its unique essence to the reading.

Understanding the Keywords: A Tool for Interpretation

To master the art of tarot reading, familiarizing oneself with the keywords associated with each card is essential. Keywords serve as anchors, providing a foundation for interpretation while allowing room for intuition to guide the reading. For example, The High Priestess may be associated with keywords like intuition, mystery, and the subconscious.

Here are the keywords associated with each tarot card:

Major Arcana:

  1. The Fool:

    • Keywords: New beginnings, adventures, freedom, spontaneity, innocence.
  2. The Magician:

    • Keywords: Manifestation, willpower, desire, creation, transformation.
  3. The High Priestess:

    • Keywords: Intuition, spirituality, mystery, subconscious, inner voice.
  4. The Empress:

    • Keywords: Fertility, abundance, nurturing, creativity, motherhood.
  5. The Emperor:

    • Keywords: Authority, structure, leadership, control, fatherhood.
  6. The Hierophant:

    • Keywords: Tradition, spirituality, guidance.
  7. The Lovers:

    • Keywords: Love, relationships, choices.
  8. The Chariot:

    • Keywords: Willpower, determination, victory.
  9. Strength:

    • Keywords: Inner strength, courage, patience.
  10. The Hermit:

    • Keywords: Solitude, introspection, wisdom.
  11. Wheel of Fortune:

    • Keywords: Destiny, cycles, change.
  12. Justice:

    • Keywords: Fairness, balance, truth.
  13. The Hanged Man:

    • Keywords: Surrender, release, perspective.
  14. Death:

    • Keywords: Transformation, rebirth, change.
  15. Temperance:

    • Keywords: Balance, moderation, harmony.
  16. The Devil:

    • Keywords: Temptation, bondage, materialism.
  17. The Tower:

    • Keywords: Sudden upheaval, revelation, chaos.
  18. The Star:

    • Keywords: Hope, inspiration, guidance.
  19. The Moon:

    • Keywords: Intuition, mystery, emotions.
  20. The Sun:

    • Keywords: Joy, success, vitality.
  21. Judgement:

    • Keywords: Rebirth, redemption, reflection.
  22. The World:

    • Keywords: Completion, fulfillment, wholeness.

Minor Arcana:

Suit of Wands:

  1. Ace of Wands:

    • Keywords: Creative inspiration, new opportunities, energy.
  2. Two of Wands:

    • Keywords: Planning, progress, personal power.
  3. Three of Wands:

    • Keywords: Exploration, foresight, leadership.
  4. Four of Wands:

    • Keywords: Celebration, stability, achievement.
  5. Five of Wands:

    • Keywords: Conflict, competition, challenges.
  6. Six of Wands:

    • Keywords: Victory, recognition, self-confidence.
  7. Seven of Wands:

    • Keywords: Defensiveness, perseverance, standing your ground.
  8. Eight of Wands:

    • Keywords: Swift action, progress, communication.
  9. Nine of Wands:

    • Keywords: Resilience, determination, inner strength.
  10. Ten of Wands:

    • Keywords: Burden, responsibility, completion.
  1. Page of Wands:

    • Keywords: Inspiration, exploration, a new phase.
  2. Knight of Wands:

    • Keywords: Energy, adventure, impulsiveness.
  3. Queen of Wands:

    • Keywords: Confidence, determination, nurturing.
  4. King of Wands:

    • Keywords: Leadership, vision, taking charge.

Suit of Cups:

  1. Ace of Cups:

    • Keywords: Emotional new beginnings, love, intuition.
  2. Two of Cups:

    • Keywords: Unified partnership, mutual attraction, balance.
  3. Three of Cups:

    • Keywords: Celebration, friendship, joy.
  4. Four of Cups:

    • Keywords: Contemplation, introspection, missed opportunities.
  5. Five of Cups:

    • Keywords: Loss, grief, moving on.
  6. Six of Cups:

    • Keywords: Nostalgia, childhood memories, innocence.
  7. Seven of Cups:

    • Keywords: Choices, illusions, daydreams.
  8. Eight of Cups:

    • Keywords: Spiritual growth, inner search, leaving the past behind.
  9. Nine of Cups:

    • Keywords: Emotional fulfillment, contentment, satisfaction.
  10. Ten of Cups:

    • Keywords: Harmony, happiness, emotional well-being.
  1. Page of Cups:

    • Keywords: Creativity, intuition, new feelings.
  2. Knight of Cups:

    • Keywords: Romance, charm, following one's heart.
  3. Queen of Cups:

    • Keywords: Compassion, empathy, emotional security.
  4. King of Cups:

    • Keywords: Emotional balance, generosity, wise leadership.

Suit of Swords:

  1. Ace of Swords:

    • Keywords: Mental clarity, truth, new ideas.
  2. Two of Swords:

    • Keywords: Indecision, balance, blocked emotions.
  3. Three of Swords:

    • Keywords: Heartbreak, sorrow, emotional pain.
  4. Four of Swords:

    • Keywords: Rest, recuperation, contemplation.
  5. Five of Swords:

    • Keywords: Conflict, loss, betrayal.
  6. Six of Swords:

    • Keywords: Transition, moving on, mental relief.
  7. Seven of Swords:

    • Keywords: Deception, betrayal, sneakiness.
  8. Eight of Swords:

    • Keywords: Feeling trapped, restriction, self-imposed limits.
  9. Nine of Swords:

    • Keywords: Anxiety, fear, nightmares.
  10. Ten of Swords:

    • Keywords: Rock bottom, painful ending, release.
  1. Page of Swords:

    • Keywords: Curiosity, new ideas, intellectual pursuits.
  2. Knight of Swords:

    • Keywords: Ambition, assertiveness, direct communication.
  3. Queen of Swords:

    • Keywords: Independent, clear-minded, perceptive woman.
  4. King of Swords:

    • Keywords: Authority, intellectual power, fair decision-making.

Suit of Pentacles:

  1. Ace of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Material opportunity, prosperity, manifestation.
  2. Two of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Balance, adaptability, juggling priorities.
  3. Three of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Collaboration, teamwork, skill mastery.
  4. Four of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Security, possessiveness, financial stability.
  5. Five of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Hard times, financial loss, isolation.
  6. Six of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Generosity, charity, sharing wealth.
  7. Seven of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Patience, assessment, waiting for results.
  8. Eight of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Diligence, craftsmanship, skill development.
  9. Nine of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Independence, luxury, self-sufficiency.
  10. Ten of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Wealth, legacy, financial security.
  1. Page of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: New opportunities, practicality, student.
  2. Knight of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Hard work, responsibility, methodical approach.
  3. Queen of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Nurturing, practical, abundance.
  4. King of Pentacles:

    • Keywords: Financial stability, success, grounded leadership.

 Note: These interpretations provide a general overview, and nuances can vary based on the reader, deck, and spread used.

This article was previously published on UAE Moments.To see the original article, click here